October 4 2024

Did Liberal Susan Holt Just Make The Most Expensive Election Promise in NB History?

[Fredericton, NB] – PCNB Leader Blaine Higgs today issued the following statement:

Yesterday Liberal leader Susan Holt released a platform that confirmed she would run a $1 billion deficit. But that is small in comparison to one statement that Susan Holt made in response to a question from the media. When asked about where the Liberals would find cost savings, Holt offered the following: “There are other efficiencies we can find within government; I can’t wait to get into that work. I can think of millions of millions of dollars that are being spent on lawsuits right now and on lawyers that are working in aboriginal affairs and other areas of government; working in the courts right now on lawsuits that will immediately be taken off the table when we form government.”

Susan Holt needs to clarify immediately if she is referring to the court cases launched by the Wolastoqey and the Mi’gmaq?

If so, this would be the most expensive election promise in New Brunswick history.

In both instances, the government is being sued. The plaintiffs are seeking to establish Aboriginal title over the entire province of New Brunswick. In fact, due to overlapping claims, it’s equal to 125% of New Brunswick’s entire land mass, including private property.

If it’s the financial penalty for two lawsuits, a conservative estimate would realistically be in the hundreds of billions of dollars. The lawsuit includes requests for damages and compensation dating back to 1759. 

There is no costing of these planned settlements in her platform.

If title is granted, this raises broader issues with how property taxes are levied, land management, zoning approvals, and so on. One plaintiff has said publicly that she wants “a veto” on all land development within their claim area. 

Susan Holt has revealed her plan to settle several lawsuits as early as this November. Property owners, municipal governments and taxpayers across the province deserve to know which lawsuits she plans to drop, and what impact it will have on them.