September 15, 2024

Today, the Honourable Greg Turner, Minister Responsible for Immigration issued the following statement:

Premier Higgs recently was the first person to shine a light on the federal government’s proposal to take asylum seekers out of Quebec and Ontario and help them relocate to other parts of the country.

Liberal leader Susan Holt and Green Party Leader David Coon echoed the Trudeau Liberal talking points that this was-to use language more polite than they chose to use-untrue.

The Premier has since provided the federal document which confirms that the request to relocate 4600 asylum seekers to New Brunswick. The governments of Nova Scotia, Saskatchewan and Alberta have all confirmed their opposition to Ottawa’s plan.

I call on both Ms. Holt and Mr. Coon to clarify the positions. If elected, will they accept the 4600 asylum seekers? 

New Brunswickers deserve a clear answer.