New Brunswick is rising to the challenge

PC Party Aims and Principles.
As New Brunswick Progressive Conservatives we believe in:


The Will of people

We believe that goverment is an extension of the will of the people; therefore, we must answer to the people for the responsibilities, which we accept. We will consult New Brunswickers on public policy matters before implementing solutions

New Brunswick and canada

We strive to build and preserve a prosperous, united New Brunswick within a prosperous, united Canada.

Equality of the two linguistic communities

We believe the diversity of our two linguistic communities is a unique strength of our province. We believe in official bilingualism, and that we must protect and promote the cultures and heritage, while treating each community with fairness and justice.

The individual

We respect the rights of the individual, but are mindful of the responsibilities, which those rights demand. It is by accepting their responsibility and acting on their own initiatives that individuals will achieve their full potential.

Free enterprise

The creation of prosperity can best be achieved by a free enterprise economy.

living within our means

As managers of the public accounts, we must fulfill our fiscal and economic objectives; a diversified economy that will maximize employment in all regions and a fiscal plan that will protect essential programs while minimizing taxation.

Acess to education and health care

The strength of our province is derived from our ability to educate our citizens and to encourage a healthy lifestyle so that they may fulfill their potential and by our ability to provide care for New Brunswickers when they are in need.

Social policies which promote Individual Responsibility

Our social programs should ensure dignified and meaningful lives for those who need assistance, but also recognize the importance of providing the support and resources necessary for an environment in which New Brunswickers can work together, be self-reliant and take responsibility for their own lives.

Protection of the environment

We must ensure that economic growth and resource development take place in an environmentally sustainable manner that decisions taken reflect the shared role of government, business and individuals as stewards of the environment for the current and future generations.

An open, accessible Party

We are a Party for all New Brunswickers. We wecolme their thoughts, their efforts and their support for the aims and principles of the Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick.